GTA San Andreas Realistic Graphics Mod


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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Fan Remake Trailer Already Taken Down by Take-Two. Take-Two and Rockstar issue takedown notice to trailer for indie remake of grand larceny Auto: San Andreas in high definition with Unreal Engine.

GTA 6 San Andreas

Indie development team Arcadia Squad wowed grand larceny Auto: San Andreas fans last week with a trailer for a remastered version of the PS2 classic. However, the first upload of the video is nowhere to be found on the group's YouTube channel after a takedown notice from Take-Two Interactive.

While the trailer was never meant to tease a full recreation of the sport for public release, it appears that the mixture of recreating areas from grand larceny Auto: San Andreas within the Unreal Engine and therefore the group's soliciting of donations from Patron rubbed Take-Two Interactive the incorrect way. As of writing, the Arcadia Squad YouTube channel is empty and therefore the Patron is "under review."

The GTA Protagonists, Ranked

Even with a vibrant modding community for many of the grand larceny Auto series, Rockstar and Take-Two are notoriously protective of the franchise, bringing several mod developers to court for violating the publishers' modding policies. The project is not the first ambitious modern remake to urge taken down by Rockstar; an attempt to port the first Red Dead Redemption into GTA 5 was canceled in 2017 after a C&D from the publisher.

Fans of the series have grown restless after playing grand larceny Auto 5 across two console generations, which likely isn't getting to change. Rockstar seems to be going full speed ahead with an updated GTA 5 for the PS5 and Xbox Series X in situ of a replacement entry within the series or a remake of a classic like San Andreas or Vice City.

While the publisher's decision to require the trailer down is understandable for copyright reasons, it's somewhat of a blow for fans who are clamoring for truly new content right alongside hungry Red Dead Online players.

It remains to be seen if GTA fans will resort to cosplaying as clowns in-game to protest the series' current state of affairs, except for those still eager to catch a glimpse of Arcadia Squad's combat San Andreas, the video embedded above from MrBossFTW includes the trailer at the 2:22 mark.

    System Requirements

    Ram 2 GB

    Graphics Memory 512 MB

    Setup Size 15 MB

    Mod 100% Working 

    MOD By GTA SanAndreas

    Director Ikram Asad

    Publisher: Ikram Asad Gaming

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